GoldenBullet - Novinky |

GoldenBullet hard rock-punk / London/Brighton/Crawley

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • The Gun

New CD

Ted makame na nasem prvnim CD

Bullet On The Way

No.1  False Friend

No.2  No pain No Gain

No.3  Crack Shot

No.4  What For

No.5  Put Your Hands Up

No.6  I want the truth

No.7  Love you

No.8  Conspiracy of  Silence

No.9  Raise Head

Lets Rock and Rolllllllllll..............gear1..gear2...gear3...

Are you ready for Gear 3  RockAndRolll...............v poradi 3 CS party Crawley

1party........Golden Vein,Staci Rict

2party........Good Prophet

3party........Good Prophet

GoldenBullet se zucastni pouze za souhlasu a podpory kapely  GoodProphet a poradajicich clenu Open Party

To Good Prophet Roman : Hralo se s tebou Romane dobre jen proste nemam rad soft drinky.......