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Vznik: 22.7.2017
Natočeno na Bolt Tower v rámci festivalu Colours of Ostrava 2017. Shot on Bolt Tower during Colours of Ostrava 2017 Music Festival.
A band Hard to Frame make music that is an explosive combination of genres such as contemporary bass music, jazz, dub or drum and bass. Their live performances are a variation of colored sounds, fresh beats and entrancing vocals. A mix of acoustic and electronic instruments forms an unique sound of the band, which can be gentle and delicate on one side and heavy and dense on the other. For three years of their existence, they have played plenty gigs in famous Czech clubs and musical festivals (Metronome Festival Prague, Colours of Ostrava). Hard to Frame released their first EP Out of Frame in autumn 2015 and a song Dreamy Eyes was on the top of Radio 1 chart (best Czech radio focusing on alternative music scene) for few weeks. Hard to Frame are planning to record the first LP in 2018.
Song writers: Ondřej Černohorský + Vendula Šmejkalová
Lyrics: Tomáš Dvořák
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