Illuminata - O kapele |

Illuminata metal-gothic / Graz

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • A World So Cold Preview
  • A Frame Of Beauty

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Dodatečné info

Illuminata je rakouská symphonic/gothic metalová kapela z Grazu. Na scéně působí od roku 2006, nicméně její existenci poznamenala řada personálních změn.

Na kontě má následující studiové nahrávky:

Nachrymal EP, 2007

From The Chalice Of Dreams, 2008

A Frame Of Beauty EP, 2009

A World So Cold, 2011


Aktuální sestava, která nahrála poslední desku je:

KATARZYNA - Lead Vocals, German Flute
JOANNA - Lead Vocals
SABRINA - Keys, Backing Vocals
LUKI - Electric and Acoustic Guitars
CHRISTOPH - Bass, Acoustic Guitars
TOM - Drums, Percussion
FRANZ- Drums, Percussion
Illuminata se představí na dvou prosincových koncertech i českému publiku v rámci programu Night Of The Forgotten International.

Bio a historie

Out from the depths of different musical backgrounds and histories merged together, arose in 2006 a project of two Austrian musicians. Founded by Luki (bass) and Dave (drums) this band, soon known as Illuminata, set out, not only to play but to play from their very heart.

A number of ambitious musicians from the band’s birthplace Graz joined and left during the early stages until in March of 2007 the line-up was eventually completed by singer and flutist Katarzyna and the sextet established with their first EP “Lachrymal” what Illuminata has been about ever since: complex yet catchy keyboards, heavy guitars, thundering and progressive drums, inventive bass-lines and two beautiful female voices joined together in perfect harmony.
In the aftermath of the record the band’s rapid growth in musical skill, resources and ambition again made changes in the line-up inevitable. A new keyboarder (Sabrina) as well as a new bassist (Christoph) and a new voice (Joanna) completed the band once more while Luki discovered his true destiny, the guitar.

At last the band started to record their first full length album “From the Chalice of Dreams” which was released in 2008 and exceeded his predecessor in songwriting, performance and orchestral power.

“Promising debut […] A band to keep an eye on for sure.”
Metal-Archives Review

After the record was released Joanna left the band for personal reasons and was replaced by soprano Lisa.
In summer 2009 the band released their latest EP “A Frame of Beauty” as the mature and refined result of years of personal and musical progress.

“[…] the band is poised to make a name for themselves in the world of symphonic, power metal.”
Femme Metal Webzine Review

The band played some successful concerts in the summer of 2010 including shows on Metalcamp's Newcomer Stage and the Rock The Lake Festival in Carinthia. Unfortunately Lisa and Dave left the band a few months later after various differences.

They were replaced by their new (old) singer Joanna and Tom from Darkfall on drums. The new album A World So Cold will be released in summer and promises another captivating step onto higher ground.