Kapela se pohybuje někde na pomezí roku, hard rocku, alternativy s občasnými výlety zcela jinam. Hlavním motorem pro nás je zkoušet nové věci, překvapovat se a obecně mít radost z tvorby. Koncertů zdaleka nestíháme tolik kolik bychom chtěli, rozhodně se ale snažíme o nápravu - koneckonců až lidi v sále jsou tou opravdovou prověrkou, jestli věc za něco stojí nebo ne.
Originally starting as a fun sideproject, the band was founded by Tomas Milsimer (ex Autobus Blues, ex Fen, ex Glasgow Kiss, ex Smokestuck,), Tomas Rylek (ex Fen, ex Goblin Pudding), and David Hanzl (ex Flowshot, ex Sandboy) in 2006 in Prague. The music style has always varied from blues rock over grunge to metal without really bothering about any definitions. The group had over the years some other friends as its members too, like Ondrej ‘Matej’ Matejka on keyboard and guitar (adding some real music skills), or Jana Albrechtova, who stayed with the band for more than 10 years, sang on the first records and on all the concerts till 2023, letting her strong, clean voice uplift the rough music of the band. In 2023, the band decided to go back to the roots, keeping the original garage band spirit, with both Tomases taking over the vocals. With that new setup, the band finally released their first album in 2024.