Lacrima - O kapele |

Lacrima doom / Kraków

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Old Man's Hands
    Old Man's Hands
  • As a Slave
    Old Man's Hands
  • Regardless
    Old Man's Hands
  • Fever of Deception
    Old Man's Hands
  • Dangerous Patterns
    Old Man's Hands
  • Alar Shadows
    Old Man's Hands

Členové skupiny

Nástrojové obsazení: Piano, klavír

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Bio a historie

Lacrima's first musical tear fell in 1994. Since that time the band has been contributing to World's Metal Scene with sorrow and sadness. Our music has always been a way of expressing our emotions, even those most difficult ones.

As time went by, Lacrima's lineup has changed several times, but former band members still remain our close friends. We used to share our souls with them, after all. During all these years we've learned that nothing's eternal, but playing music can help us to survive. Maybe not cure, but help at least. 

Thus we keep on rollin', sharing our feelings with you at concerts and working on new material. Come and join our World where tears, pain and darkest thoughts reside and thrive...

Podobné kapely

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