MARTUROS - As You Sow, So Shall You Reap (Official Music Video)
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 7.7.2020
MARTUROS - As You Sow, So Shall You Reap (Official Music Video)Maggee Marturos - vocals
Matúš Minich - drums
Roman Kevický - guitar
Maroš Maliček - guitar
Marián "Maňo" Švec - bass
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For CD & merch DM on Facebook or e-mail
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E-mail: marturosofficial@gmail.com
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Music & Lyrics: Marturos
Mix, Master & Production: Ľubomír Mazák (IG: lubomirmazak)
Actors: Businessman - Filip Lajtman, Farmer - Peter Hepner, Death - Matúš Minich
Place & Handmade Wood Products: https://www.facebook.com/drevak.bob/
Lights: https://audiologicpro.sk/
Fog Machine: DJ Mike Wazowski
Death Cloak: Filip Fürbach, Katarína Šuranská
Make-up: Magdaléna a Marianna Hladká
Businessman case: Marian Hladký
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You don't believe in God, you just believe in you,
'cause where God was, when you were in trouble.
You're surprised why that shit happened,
but you don't remember trouble you did to your brother
Sing with me "As you sow, so shall you reap"
law of karma that is good to keep
rescue wheel for all desperate
don't lose yourself, don't lose your faith
Sing with me "As you sow, so shall you reap"
law of karma that is good to keep
Who will dry all the tears rolling down the cheeks?
Can you hear me cry while your thoughts are so loud?!
Heal me I cannot do it myself
I'm so weak but I always thought I'm strong
Tell me I'm completely wrong
I've got things to live for and it will be as before
Heal me I'm scared of myself
I'm scared of you
Set me free from suffering,
free me from murdering our hearts
A whole world doesn't fit into one heart
One heart doesn't belong to two souls
I've got feeling I can do it,
but I must let one go