Misted Mind - Videa | Bandzone.cz

Misted Mind alternative-rock / Prostějov

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Can You Feel
  • Who Knnows
  • Dreams
  • Follow My Shoes
  • Hopeless Dream

MISTED MIND - Follow My Shows (with lyrics)

Oficiální videoklip Vznik: 24.1.2021
Czech Indie Rock band. Like us at facebook.
Other songs at soundcloud

Words and Music by Misted Mind © 2016
Recorded and produced by Vlastimil Lang

Lenka Svedova - vocals
Vlastimil Lang - guitars,synth,samples
Miroslav Machalek - bass
Stanislav Srnec - drums

Follow My Shoes

Belive me boy, see what you see
I know you always count on me
I know you always be my guide
the one who tries, but drops his eyes

Nothing new, for me it´s same
love can be beady without shame
Love can be cruel, but also blind
who never tries, never could find


I would like to try follow my shoes
I would like to go for somehting good
for something blue, for something new
I live my life the way that I choose

verse 2:

I´m walking over empty street
I never ment to groud my feets
no need to cry, no need to weap
upon my shoulder ocean deep

All over space, all over time
my hands are clean commit no crime
my life is pure, but I don´t mind
no one in front of me no one behind

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