Night Vision Music - O kapele |

Night Vision Music downtempo-ambient / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • NV trailer new
  • DJs Telephone
  • Sleeping Bus To Saigon
  • The Lunar Coffee (sample)
  • lecherous sunbathing (sample)
  • Shakura (sample)
  • I feel your perspiration (sample)
  • K.V.E.T.A. (sample)

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

NIGHT VISION is music composed primarily for listening during night travelling that fascinates me all my life.It’s calm music full of positive vibrations, melancholy, passion, sexuality and beautiful melodies. I tried to put there that atmosphere of night airports, intercontinental flights, and peace inside of car, cruising endless night highway. This calm music should also correspond with feel of lonely airline passenger.NIGHT VISION is one-man project; all music was composed, arranged and performed by me.

Necrocock (Night Vision Captain)

Bio a historie