Orbbiss - The Moon Is Falling
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 2.2.2020
This is a videoclip for "The Moon Is Falling" from "Sinful Devotion" by OrbbissWhen you are in paradise but you live in hell
When you want to see but you have nothing
When you're cold but you're in the heat
But if you want love you can't love it
But if you want to leave, you have no way
... The moon is falling
► Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/0Gj62o…
► Supraphonline https://www.supraphonline.cz/album/5389…
► Google Music https://play.google.com/store/music…
► Amazon https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Orbbiss&…
Orbbiss is czech music project combining relaxation music with ambient, melancholic electronics and dance.
The project originated in 2019 and is looking for a different concept of music creation than is currently usual.
Orbbiss je český hudební projekt kombinující relaxační, ambientní a taneční hudbu s melancholickou elektronikou.
Projekt založený v roce 2019 hledá nový přístup k hudební tvorbě než je dnes zvykem.
#TheMoonIsFalling #ElectronicMusic #Downtempo