Other Way - Prophecy (Official Music Video)
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 29.12.2016
KŘEST NOVÉHO ALBA již 2. února v Futurum Music Bar v Praze!EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/9248475…
Concert introducing our new album on 2nd February in Futurum Music Bar in Prague!
EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/9248475…
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Web: http://www.other-way.cz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/otherwaymusic
Bandzone: http://bandzone.cz/otherwayband
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Special thanks to:
Ondřej Valenta / Music Photo Report:
Město Kladno / City of Kladno:
Makalu Fireworks:
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Also check out our website, Facebook or Bandzone pages for more info on us, such as upcoming concerts, photos, information about band members and more.
Band members:
Jan Knettig - Vocals, Violin
Jiří Trumpeš - Guitar
Martin Vedral - Guitar, Keyboard
Sebastian Klíma - Bass Guitar, Vocals
Roman Lenner - Drums