Other Way - Lives in Dreams
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 2.2.2020
Píseň plná barev hledá odpověď na otázku, proč mnoho z nás utápí své životy ve snech místo abychom dělali, co skutečně chceme. Co vy?
Other Way:
Yellow man - Jan Knettig
Light Blue man - Jiří Trumpeš
Dark Blue man - Martin Vedral
Orange man - Sebastian Klíma
Red man - Roman Lenner
Recording, Mix & Master - Seabeast Production
Director - Petr Maršík Ml.
Camera - David Macháček
VFX editor - Jan Kopecký
Collaboration - Saša Jordanov, Tomáš Hodr
Web: http://www.other-way.cz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/otherwaymusic
How to earn self-belief
To fight for great things?
To not lose our lives in dreams?
To make things real?
Is there a place where we all should start?
It seems so hard. I’m asking: why?
Why do we go
along the roads
that have no goal?
Why do we stay
at the places
where there’s no faith?
What talents to embrace
To live our lives?
How to keep confidence
To shine among the stars?
Is there a place where we all should start?
It seems so hard. I’m asking: why?
Why do we go
along the roads
that have no goal?
Why do we stay
at the places
where there’s no faith?