Frontman - Allan Morrison, Richie O´Brian, Shaun Elliot (Jo, všichni)
Bicí - Michael Gillham
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What is the point of starting a band and trying to sound like another band? None whatsoever in our eyes. So we don't bother trying. We try to combine self-taught instrument (non)skills, northern humour, and an everybody-in-the-band-has-different-influences effect to produce a noisy, but hopefully tuneful and interesting experience.
People have told us that they see/hear elements of The Swell Maps, The Cramps, The Fall, Husker Du, The Minutemen, Captain Beefheart, Devo, The White Stripes, The Clash, and "Boro-ness" in our sound/performances.
We have toured the UK and USA, been played by John Peel, and only performed one cover-version ever. It was The Beatles song "Taxman" for the 40th birthday of "Revolver" and we surely had poor George gyrating in his grave.
Oh, and we are in the band and have been for such a long time because it is a laugh. We laugh a lot. We take the piss a lot. It is good.