Phylactery - Descent Into Madness
Vznik: 24.2.2018
New album Aeber comes out in 24th Febuary! Don't Miss it!Song: Descent Into Madness
Album: Aeber
Label: Support Underground (www.supug.cz )
Experimental Death Metal from Brno, Czech Republic
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/phylacteryband/
Bandcamp: https://phylactery.bandcamp.com/
Bandzone: http://bandzone.cz/phylactery
e-Shop: http://supug.cz/?71,phylactery-aeber-(digi)
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0yAYE…
All rigts for the music reserved for band Phylactery.
Recorded and mixed by Zdeněk Ondráček - Studio SONIDOS: http://www.sonidos.cz/cz
Graphic - Pedro "Lordigan" Sena - https://lordigan.deviantart.com/