Polaris je heavy / thrash metalová kapela, ktorú založil v roku 1994 gitarista a spevák Ďuro Mariani v Bratislave. Ovplyvnená kapelami ako Megadeth, Iron Maiden a Pantera, kapela si vyvinula svoj vlastný štýl, a hoci
vtedy neodohrali žiadne koncerty, uzreli prvé známky uznania. Kapela prešla radom zmien v zostave počas prvých rokov, až sa nakoniec v roku 1999 rozpadla. Pretrvávajúci problém bol v tom čase nedostatok vytrvalosti vtedajších členov. Kapela sa vrátila k
životu až v roku 2010 a v zostave Ďuro Mariani (sólo, rytmické, akustické gitary a spev), Tomáš "Hamlet" Kanovský (sólo, rytmické , akustické gitary a back-up vokály), Dalibor Uher (basgitara) a Maťo Petrikovič (bicie) začali v lete 2013 nahrávať svoj
prvý album "For Those Of You". Debutovali s ním dňa 04.08.2014. V auguste 2015 nastúpil na miesto gitaristu do kapely Tomáš Cagáň a v novembri 2015 na post basgitaristu Mišo Beňák. Kapela plánuje vydať druhú LP koncom roku 2017.
Polaris is a heavy/thrash metal band founded in 1994 in Bratislava by guitarist and vocalist Ďuro Mariani. Influenced by bands like Megadeth, Iron Maiden and Pantera, the band developed their own style and although never played any significant event, they
glimpsed first signs of recognition. The band underwent numerous line-up changes during the first years and broke up in 1999 eventually. The enduring issue was lack of endurance of the other band members. The band came back to life again in 2010 and it
now consists of Ďuro Mariani (lead, rhythm, acoustic guitars and vocals), Tomáš "Hamlet" Kanovský (lead, rhythm, acoustic guitars and back-up vocals), Dalibor Uher (bass guitar) and Maťo Petrikovič (drums). The recording process for their first album "For
Those Of You" started in midsummer 2013. It debuted on August 4th 2014. The band has a new guitar player Tomáš Cagáň who joined the group in August 2015 and a new bass player Mišo Beňák who joined the band in November 2015. The band has plans to release
their second LP by the end of 2017.