Posthumous Blasphemer - O kapele |

Posthumous Blasphemer death-metal / Brutal Death Metal from Minsk

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - Rivers of Poisoned Faith
    Exhumation of Sacred Impunity
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - Ash for Utopia
    Exhumation of Sacred Impunity
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - Drowning in Brutality
    Exhumation of Sacred Impunity
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - Symbol of Despair
    Exhumation of Sacred Impunity
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - Mind Mutilation Substance
    Exhumation of Sacred Impunity
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - Bloody Hatchet of Forgiveness
    Exhumation of Sacred Impunity
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - From Faith to Sadism
    Exhumation of Sacred Impunity
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - Second Coming Instincts
    Exhumation of Sacred Impunity
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - Revival of Contempt
    Fracture the Worship
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - Sermons of Enthralment
    Fracture the Worship
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - Remains Devouring Consciousness
    Fracture the Worship
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - Flagellation for Rescue
    Fracture the Worship
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - Doomed Flesh Tortures
    Fracture the Worship
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - Inconsistent Doctrine of Expiation
    Fracture the Worship
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - Disfigured Faces of Pontifexes
    Fracture the Worship
  • Posthumous Blasphemer - Poisonous Compassion
    Fracture the Worship

Členové skupiny

Nástrojové obsazení: Kytara

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Dodatečné info

Současná sestava:

Fiendharon - kytary
Alex - baskytara
Zubov - hlas
Dan - bicí

Najdete nás zde: Facebook / BandCamp / Metal-Archives / /

Bio a historie

Posthumous Blasphemer was formed in Belarus in 2001, Minsk. 


Avantground Undergrind - CD 2003 (DAC Prods.)

Putrespermfaction Versus Fertiholyzation - CD 2004 (Relics rec./Monsters Corp.)

Crucified Humiliation - CD 2005 (Relics Rec./Sound Age)

Fracture the Worship - CD 2008 (Coyote rec.)

Exhumation of Sacred Impunity - CD 2014 (Coyote rec.)