první část nahrána v římě 2010,druhá v barceloně 2011
pochmurny napad stvorit tento hlucny projekt vzesel kdyz joseph (BESTIAL VOMIT) a pav (PISSED CUNT hrdlo) se v 2008 v rime naprali. nazev RE-CHARGE DE-CHARGE vznikl kdyz tito dva ozralci navstivili rimskou univerzitu curakujici ve tride kde profesorka kecala o necem cemuz ani jeden z nich nerozumel.samozrejme ze tyto slova RE-CHARGE DE-CHARGE byly vysloveny.po paru dnech se pav vratil do barcelony chlastat a flakat se zatimco joseph pokracoval v aktivite s jeho bandou BESTIAL VOMIT kde drzi mikrofon. v 2009 pav vymrdal na obscene extreme kde se potkava po prve s jessie. jessie se vraci do londyna,pav vyrazi zpet do barcelony. po nejakem case se jessie premistuje do barcelony a v cervnu 2010 vyrazili do italie podporit tri koncerty WORMROT kde potkavaji joseph zustavajici v rime na par dni v jeho squate. RE-CHARGE DE-CHARGE je zrozen. dalsi nahravaci zasedani by se konalo v barcelone 5 ledna 2011
the gloomy idea of creating this noisy project came up when joseph (BESTIAL VOMIT) and pav (PISSED CUNT throat) got drunk some day in rome in 2008. the name RE-CHARGE DE-CHARGE came into being when these two
pissheads visited a univerity of rome and fucked around in a class where the professor was talking about something neither one of them could understand. of course,those RE-CHARGE DE-CHARGE words had been said. after a few days pav went
back to barcelona to keep on drinking and doing jack shit while joseph kept himself active with his band BESTIAL VOMIT
where he holds the mic. in 2009 pav fucked off to obscene extreme where he meets jessie for the first time. jessie returns back to london,pav goes back to barcelona. after a while jessie relocates to barcelona and in june 2010 they'd set off to italy
to support three gigs of WORMROT where they meet joseph staying in rome for a couple of days at his squat. RE-CHARGE DE-CHARGE is born. the next recording session had taken place in barcelona on the 5th
of january 2011
JAN AGATHOCLES: Today, “GRIND” is too much used for bands who have NOTHING to do with GRIND CORE. I mean, bands which spend months in the studio, paying huge prices for recordings, ultra technical riffs and solo's, empty lyrics, asking huge prices for their gigs,… come on, that's heavy metal played in a fast way, not GRIND. GRIND is raw, minimalistic, noisy, crude, socially and politically aware. 90% of the bands that are being promoted by big labels as GRIND CORE are METAL bands ! And if it is like that, then GRIND IS DEAD for me.