REIGN THE ABSOLUTE metal-progressive / Moscow

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0:00 / 0:00
  • Two steps aside
  • Lion
  • What makes this flower grow

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Bio a historie

Reign The Absolute (formed in Moscow, Russia in 2008) is a synthesis of contemporary metal music, since it's origin, joining music creativity and ideology of five outstanding musicians: guitarists Artyom Sherbakov (Icon in me, ex-Bezumnie usiliya) and Vladimir Krylov (Toke-cha, Right Hand, ex - 0.5), vocalist Andrew Jakevich (ex-Rashamba, ex-Jak), Max Yampolskiy on bass (ex-Bezumnie usiliya), and Michael Galutva on drums (ex-0.5, ex-Buhta Radosty). The band with no doubt shows great musical potential and introduces it's experience through wide variety of metal riffs, fusion chord harmonization and hi-tech guitar elements, and solos.

RTA's mission: "Our music is our eternity, with us - it's architects. We base our making on our inspiration, philosophy, images and love. Professing absolutely free approach in our process of writing music, we do not admit any stylistic limits, while still staying in touch and widely using our "metal roots". Reign The Absolute project gives us strong motivation to become a breath of fresh air and to bring "the light" on metal scene".

Reign The Absolute won the recognition of metal scene in Russia after Promo CD 2008 release. Moreover musicians former bands were at the origins of Russian alternative music and are well known in this subculture due to tours, biggest Russian festivals (Nashestvie, Emmaus, Red Alert etc) and smashing hit tracks, including RAMP main theme (Russian Alternative Music Prize), written exclusively for gala show and award ceremony DVD hedlined by Korn.

The unique thing for RTA is Artyom Scherbakov’s active participation in russian-european project Icon in me, with vocalist Tony JJ (MAN, C-187, ex-Mnemic, ex-Transport League) and Morten Loewe (The arcane order, Submission, Scarve, Soilwork, Hatesphere) on drums. Bands debut album was released by Massacre records on may/june 2009.

In the fall of 2008 RTA’s guitarists joined forces with at the biggest annual Russian exhebition “Music-Moscow” to carry out guitar clinics, amp tests and to share experience with young musicians. During “Music-Moscow 2008” Artyom and Vladimir accepted an offer from Blacker guitars to build their signature instruments. In collaboration with Blacker, blazing guitar duo took part in “MusikMesse St.Petersburg” with master classes and guitar presentation.
At the beginning of september 2009 Reign The Absolute released RTA Promo Pack – cd/dvd box set with promo audio, bonus live audio and DVD of april’s live show. In the fall of 2009 RTA supported dutch math metal bands Textures and Cilice, and U.S. hardcore act Norma Jean in Russia.

Reign The Absolute's debut album is in active preparation.