Seeing Things - O kapele |

Seeing Things metalcore / Praha

Sledovat Tip týdne

08. března 2023
Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Soulkiller (feat. Grapefruit Astronauts)
  • Dystopia (feat. Distant)
  • Paranoia
  • Banshee
  • Consume (feat. Abbie Falls)
  • Animosity
  • Entity
  • Spectre

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

Capturing fear, anxiety, terror and despair, SEEING THINGS reflect on current social issues of apathy and injustice. Through their lyrics, they confront these issues directly and encourage the listener to face their own inner demons. Ever since its inception, SEEING THINGS was forged to bring a fresh new sound to the stage. The band emits a distressing energy of downtuned mania fuelled by ever-present paranoia 妄想症. With their raw, unfiltered energy and their unyielding commitment to their message, SEEING THINGS invites you on a journey of self-discovery and social awareness.

In their short time as a band Seeing Things have already landed significant editorial support from Spotify (All New Metal, Metal Charge, The Core) across previous releases and have surpassed 650,000 Spotify streams over the past year. Furthermore, the band have had support from Deezer, landing both the Metalcore and Deathcore playlists. The band will now release new single ‘Soulkiller’ on the 10th February 2023.

Bio a historie