OK, so here we are at Bandzone.cz! Iit was extremely hard to register here, because i don't know czech at all, so please, appriecieate this simple fact :) Here are few words about us, unfortunately only in english: We're not so fewkin incredible yet but
it is good to know a few facts about band you love. So: It all happened in September 2003, after Fes collapsed (some old band which hasn't left anything worth to mention except few shows). In the begining there was four of us: Tomek (vocals), Kamil
(bass), Pajatz (guitar) and Lukasz (drums). After about a month we were ready to hit the stage and bring some noise. We played our first show in Olawa (25 of October 2003). Until now we've played few gigs with some wellknown and unknown bands. In march
(2004) Nindalf shows up and gets the second guitarist position. In June our ways with Tomek split up and Rafal takes his place In January 2005 we went to studio to record our first material, passionate and expressive. It says what we're about Now we're
READY TO ROCK (oops, we're ready to hardcore)