Band: SRAMOT Genre: Experimental Rock (Ultrabetonhandric..
Gimmie bass Dude, that bass ROCKS! You hire Les Claypool? 1 - Instrumental Break: Isn't that most of this song? 2 - Arrangement: You've got some experimental elements. Pretty interesting actually. Keep going. 3 - Mood: Odd stuff man, odd stuff. I dig it. - RoaneSky from Houston, Texas on 29May2007
victor wooton bass? someon had a good understanding and use of theyre bass... very cool ... i thought this track was a little zappa influenced as well. very progressive. and the musician ship was done very well. here. very talented band but a little over peoples heads i think.. - musicmanvox from Brooklyn, New York on 29May2007
Awkward but cool Definetly hear some primus influence in there. The experimental feel was good. The chicken clucking at the beginning could be done without. - Caesura from Grandview, Missouri on 28May2007
Worth the listen Tight prog-funk here. Crazy morphs, the strange vocal styles continually evolve. Vast sonic textures and ambient landscapes painted through sounds. Very artistic. -tight breaks -chaotically artistic arr. -mostly tense mood - symbioticsimian from Miami, Florida on 27May2007
experi-MENTAL This has the humor and zaniness of Captain Beefheart and Frank Zappa. Add to that some moments of Primus inspired convulsions, and you get this song. If you like that stuff, you'll find something to like here. Instrumental Break: Which one. I'm too blinded by pop to see the structure here Arrangement: This kind of music should always be structured for a reason. This feels narrative, and I think it works well. Mood: Weird. Which is good. - atomati from Brooklyn, New York on 20May2007
chickens! great tune so far, really neat guitarwork. im gonna check out who you guys are this is cool. drumming is always right on with the band, can you do this live? great bass work in the 2:15 area. Russian? Harasho? - Victor_Lester from Wall Street, Cheshire, Uzbekistan on 19May2007
Bizarre Nice use of mixed meter and tempo. Excellent bass and guitar work. Don't get the bizarre vocals, but I guess that is why this is "experimental" - CVilleGangstaz from Springfield, Virginia on 18May2007
Easy kid Reminds me of primus exept its annoying as hell. I like it One thing more power cords two things space it out a bit more three things less annoying! - pinned from Whittier, California on 17May2007
amazing bass amazing bass and great guitar the guitar riff is also very crunchy with a rythm you can tap your foot to i would cut out the screaming in the middle of the song and a crunchy voice would help - lasha_72 from Doylestown, Pennsylvania on 16May2007
aaaaahhh indeed Ha! I like the screams at the begining. I really dig the time signature change ups too. whhhaaaaaaa! thats crazy too. what language is this? portugese? sounds cool. you guys sound talented, but a little to crazy to grasp onto. mood is definately crazy. oooh wait, i like that instrumental break. nice guitar interplay between the Left and Right. and i dig the wierd sounds. - Pymander from Tucson, Arizona on 15May2007
Chickens and Screams Do you like random screaming in your music? Chicken sounds? Heavy guitars? Crazy time signature work that amazingly stays together? You'll enjoy this band. You seriously never know what's going to come next and you get a shock from each change. Vocals in spanish are sung, spoken, screamed, and fit the rapidly changing rhythms well. This is an otherworldly song truly fitting the experimental rock genre. - ralpho from Springfield, Illinois on 15May2007
Randomonium Right away I can tell that the production is terrific. The music reminds me a little of Mr. Bungle's Disco Volante album, which isn't something I'm a big fan of--a little too obnoxiously random for my tastes. This is good because it's original, but it's not particularly listenable because it never really settles down and lets you get into the groove. Around the two-minute mark the music gets nice and pretty, and then we have some nice progression. It was definitely a good listen, and the song sounds very complete, but I don't think I'd ever come back to hear it again, other than out of morbid curiosity. - Anoremix from Fairfield, Connecticut on 11May2007
Groovy Nice production, the bass sounds tight. The vocals are especially grating on ones nerves, but the mood is nice and the arrangement is interesing and tight. - benvh from Marquette, Michigan on 8May2007
Melody? What are you getting at? I do like the chicken. I think you need to get really drunk and talk to someone about your dad. - GRJunk from Salt Lake City, Utah on 3May2007
great instrumantal break! awesome bass line begins the song! accompanied by a good guitar riff. the vocals seem quite nnoying at first, then really annoying with that chicken sound. but wait...he begins to sing and just when one thinks everything will get better, another annoying scream. NOOOO!. i think i might appreciate if i had the slightest idea what he was saying... - kal_el from El Paso, Texas on 2May2007
Good, but needs to tighten up. OK then... Using the word "experimental" infront of your chosen genre is just a reason to do what the hell you want. And I suppose sounding like he's under going electric shock treatment followed by chicken noises is, as I suspect, exactly what the lead singer had in mind at the top of this track. I wish it was in English though, as I would have liked to have known what the subject matter is. This is quite well executed stuff, though. A little loose for my liking (the drumming, as good as it is, needs to tighten up with the guitars and bass - or is it the other way around?), and has a sort of Primus feel to it in places. Excellent tones on all instruments throughout. Arrangements are unexpected and quirky with a nice mellow instrumental break. Good stuff. 4 stars though, because music that's as quirky as this needs to be super tight with everybody playing together to really make it work. There's a fine line between precision playing and everything sounding messy. Check out a band called Zonder on this site in this same genre to see what I mean. Peace & respect. - Downdog from Manchester, United Kingdom on 1May2007
this is a riot Haha awesome. Very experimental, and just wild really. I like the hints of grindy metal, and there's some sick technical stuff goin on in there. The instrumentation is solid, it's gotta be hard to get everyone on the same page with this stuff, and the arrangement is progressive. The mood is definitely trippy. With stuff like chicken samples and wild noises, not only does it keep you intrigued but it makes you laugh. Great job! - asmalltown from Troy, New York on 29Apr2007
ahhaagaaagghhaahhwhoooaaaoa THIS AIN'T EXPERIMENTAL ITS CNTS TAKIN THE PEE OOT O THE GARBAGEBANDS SITE WHICH I LUV.LIKE IT ALL ITS A BIT DIFFO. - Promoter3 from Scotland, United Kingdom on 27Apr2007
far out i really dig this song..kinda reminds me of mr. bungle..still pretty sick. love the different time signatures. love the whistling. Im glad that there is a revival of good musicians canceling out the bad ones. - LightSideDark from Downey, California on 27Apr2007
By far the funniest intro I have heard in a l.. The arrangement sounded a little busy in the beginning. I will say that it kept me on my toes because I didn't know what to expect. It almost sounded like super mario in parts. - severecloud from Richland, Washington on 26Apr2007
Review Wow, there's a lot to listen to in this song..... Slapbass, an occasional chicken, drumbreaks all over the place, metalguitars and some vocals. Many ideas.... and these guys CAN play, but sometimes it's a little too chaotic.... I'm left with the feeling, that I've been listening to at least 5 short songs..... well, maybe that's what this band is all about, so I won't comment on that. Great musicianship, cool ideas, but a little too OTP for my liking. Good luck! - baxull from Delft, Netherlands on 24Apr2007
ENOUGH ok , we know that basses make that slap sound. yo , dude on the mic , shut up please. Guys , this isnt gonna work . Primus happened already , 10 years ago. drummer , leave the band . you're actually decent when i can hear you. - ComaChaser from Brooklyn, New York on 22Apr2007
CHAOS First of all major props for originality here. This is song is just plain off the wall insanity. Don't get me wrong I like the insanity but the vocals were not all that great and really ruined the song. It would have been fine instrumentally in my opinion. As far as arrangement goes, very original and ever changing. The bassist was amazing and reminded me of Les Claypool. The mood was well chaotic really, not much to say about that. Overall good song and awesome experimentation, the vocals will have to grow on me I suppose. - Herodrummer34 from Harpersville, Alabama on 17Apr2007
hell yeah primus esk, love the prominet bass in the intro. the screaming vocals in the beggining remind me of kurt cobain. this song is really original and is ll over the place, but i like that it pretty cool. i also love the instrumental breaks and the arrangment of the song. - OrangeVest from Ashford, Connecticut on 10Apr2007
Old MacDonalds Experimental in all it's ways. Experimenting with rythms, riff and what not more. Every now and then I find it somewhat far-fetched, but there are some really good parts in this song. The last minute is a good example of that. The main returning riff with that neurotic edge to it is also very good! Vocals are great, although my Russian (if I heard it well) is almost non-existing. So I have no clue about the statements you're making. The one thing I don't understand is the intro with the farm sounds in it. You don't need that. - Nynke from Groningen, Netherlands on 10Apr2007
Keep the Chickens Out the Bass Shack The energetic bass deserves the crazy chicken man taking a break and its good to see it quickly turns very jazzy (till the experimental screachers kcik back in!) - gothick from United Kingdom on 5Apr2007
Primus? i don't know about that intro, it seems a little disjointed. Definitely a very heavy primus influence. The instruments don't always seem to mesh well together. The screaming is more obnoxious than anything else. The vocals when not screaming aren't bad. The break for some reason is reminding me of the super mario theme. Definitely interesting and very experimental. - willh212 from Newburyport, Massachusetts on 3Apr2007
chicken clucks Love the bass, unique guitar sounds, wierd screaming and chicken clucks going on here, lol. Unique stylistic shifts from the heavy to the kinda wierd mellow parts. Experimental rock is definitely the catergory for you I can't really define your style other than to say that you sound a bit similar to System of a Down, but even that is sort of a stretch. The drummer sounds very talented, as well as the guitarist and hell even the bassist has a nice style, excellent musicianship all around and a nice unique style to go with it. The singer is diverse to say the least, but a bit to avante garde for my taste. - jessemuench from Mount Calvary, Wisconsin on 2Apr2007
angular Intro- very interesting, and very musical. The screaming is bizarre. The "buck" ing was like a claypool kinda thing to do. The odd time is messing with my head a bit too. Instrumental Break- Full of pieces that don't fit on purpose. Its so awkward sounding, but thats what you wanted. Like a Primus experiance. Arrangement- Bizzare, angular, lots of high points, lots of low points, can't understand how it could be memorized, but good job. Its like all the parts that don't fit got put together, I liked it. I can see why this would be experimental. Mood- The mood is erratic. At times satisfied, at other times totaly insane. Its tough to narrow it down nemore so i'm not even gonna bother. Overall- I'm sure what to say about this one here boys, so I'll just say that it intrigued me, I did like it and what more is there? Oh yeah, maybe don't tell claypool you stole his chicken song. - SteveTelehus from Walkerton, Ontario, Canada on 1Apr2007
start stop freeform rock 1 - Instrumental Break,i assume starting at the 2 minute mark ,reminds me of genisis in one of their faster interludes. 2 - Arrangement;the song seems to be an instrumental with short vocal bursts.very freeform ,not exactly a arrangement to be pinned down but does the trick if you need a constant surprise. 3 - Mood;very good mood set with very dynamic playing and heavy beats.the vocals are very well done in contrasting with the instrumental nature of the band. it is like your wishes,probity - probity from San Marcos, California on 30Mar2007
madness ok, this bass player and guitar player seem to be the same guy, there on!, - zaidaandzander from Elkford, British Columbia, Canada on 30Mar2007
Zappa in Budapest? LOVE the bass riffs at the intro. And the guitar parts. OK is a chicken sacrifice imminent? Santeria Metal? Holy Shit are you guys channeling the same demons as the last band? OK Satan has left the fear & loathing. Hispanohablantes quizas? Italian? Croatian? Hungarian? Oh and now the middle Bahavishnu Orchestra section. WTF? This sounds really cool. I love the bass/drums/guitar in this part. It's so subtle and haunting (contrasted with the garage bash in the first part). You guys are WACKED. And quite skillful. Very accomplished time signatures (which means very adept drumming). I'm so curious what the hell you're trying to accomplish and where on earth you come from. - jeff_roberts from Heidelberg, Germany on 28Mar2007
Make me laugh! Ha ha! This band makes me laugh! The vocals are sporadic, but funny. What language is this? I like songs in other languages, because I the vocals don't come across as being so literal. The bass at 1.30 sounds like it's stolen from the Primus song, "To Defy the Laws of Tradition." The ambience in the bridge is pretty nice and creates a positive mood. - cubehead from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 26Mar2007
I'm not going to say PRIMUS CHICKEN You'd had to say that this song has an interesting vocal to say the least. And that ain't english jack. "Say it in english". No, seriously, I enloyed the song a great deal, but I have a feeling that these dudes ARE NOT looking for commercial success. Talk about musical talent, they got it. The song-writing is awesome, but this song has plenty of sharp corners and is not for the feint-of-heart. I think that Hillary should use it for her campaign song. Couldn't you just imagine her walking out on stage, smiling and waving, while this tune blares over the loud speakers. She should use this or the sound-track to the original Planet of the Apes. Whatever she decides, I have decided that I very much like this experimental rock production. - thejokerman from Norseville, Valhalla, Norway on 25Mar2007
screaming and clucking and portuguese? This is the kind of piece which would have been much better to experience LIVE, to be able to SEE the performers scream, cluck and otherwise make interesting and irritating noises. The free-form tempo, the stops&starts, was very effective. It seems that you all have played together quite a bit; the band flowed nicely in-synth in an out-of-synch way. Ya know what I mean?? The section starting at 2:00 was particularly imaginative to me. Very nice combination of sounds, almost hypnotic. - OO@613967~Cameron_Kopf from Bisbee, Arizona on 25Mar2007
good? the production of this song is frustrating in that it never really offers the intensity i can tell its attempting to. the guitars should be louder, but i like the sense of urgency - thejkproject from Unspecified on 24Mar2007
holly chicken cluck holly chicken cluck! That got me to chuckle at the end of a long day, so thanks. I dig the bass playing in this song, especially the big fat glisses. The jam from :28-:50 could be developed into a song of it's own. Not too crazy about how the singer barks at me, but he knows when to let the rest of the band play without him. I do like the vocals from 2:54 to the end of the song. The mood shifts all over the place. - BrittPoplin from Covington, Kentucky on 22Mar2007
Hello Mr. Bungle Yeah, this reminds me of Bungle. The mood is very Trainspotting. The instrumental break has a lot of creativity. I like the variety that the piano brings to the whole song because it is quite soft so it contrasts very well with the rest of the music. Good Job - mmagassi from Corpus Christi, Texas on 21Mar2007
cool breakdown I like the breakdown toward the end where the song gets soft and chill. That whistle sound is pretty. I think you guys sound really tight and it's a good recording. - psychedelicdiscoangels from Jersey City, New Jersey on 14Mar2007
very funny. The chicken thing, very funny i've been laughing for whole review. Instrumental Break oh, that instrumental break. i didnt really even notice it, which means one of two things. One it works nicely and fits with the rest of the song so well that it doesnt stick out ,or two i wasn't listening but my moneys on the first option. Arrangement Nice arrangement actually after a second listen. Mood Well it kind of sounds like pantera and maybe soulfly on the weekend with a couple of grams of meth on them. Not something i would put on at a dinner party of something but still very nice. Aiight dawgs you worked it out. - VinSin from A Good One, New Zealand on 10Mar2007
solid reminds me of a lot of the stuff i was checking out in the late 80s early 90s thanks for not singing in english, i get so sick of that convention right now, i only wish the drum recording was a little better - someone got out of control with the compressor making the kit sound like styrofoam cups otherwise, everything sounds good hear and thanks for being yourself - garagerus from Portland, Oregon on 8Mar2007
slappy bass I like the slappy bass player. he sure knows how to play. the insane vocalist however, the chicken balks, and the deep metal like distorion I do not like. This song is all over the place in timings and parts. That is a positive. I love a song where I can't really tell where it is going next. The players in this band all have talent except well... the vocalist. But if that's the direction you guys are trying to head I guess that's okay. just not my style - carnindyle from Weedsport, New York on 8Mar2007
Call the Police The instrumentation in this track is at a very high level. I like the arrangement, all over the place. The melodies are complex and well thought out, along with the rhythms. I like the drummer, I believe the double kick is a bit overused for my taste, but a really good drummer overall. The vocals are original! The slap bass playing is a bit over the top at times as well. Great band, keep it up! - snailassembly from Baltimore, Maryland on 7Mar2007
intense the song is, well, how else can i put it, intense. Strange guitar riffs and off drum beats. super cool noises and screams. Can't really understand the lyrics but you dont need to in a cool track like this. Awesome guys! - Afiction from Chico, California on 27Feb2007
Interlocking Nice interlocking guitars and bass, Primus meets Discipine-era Crimson. Vocal was a bit annoying for my tastes. A little sloppy in parts, needs to be really tight. Nice interlude, melodic in its whole, in a way, without having one solo. THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL ROCK. - Spaceplayer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 25Feb2007
ahhhh! this song makes me want to go, "ahhh!" well let's see... chicken noises. This is very noisy and full of random changes and fancy rythym things. I don't like any of those things I just listed. I kind of like the vox at like one minute - the ones just before and after the "Ahhhh"s, dig. And then it gets grateful dead-y for a stretch. How do the various components fit together? Really, this is another one of those carefully crafted messes that one encounters a lot in experimental. No me gusta. sorry - mrstrauss from Temple City, California on 22Feb2007
interesting This tune has some good and some bad points to me. I dislike the yelling at the beginning but you softened me up with the chicken sounds. I like the contrast between the heavy chugging and jazzy action. Inventive. The arrangement is cool but it sacrifices a groove that you can sink into for one that makes you pay attention. More a brain than a body experience. The instrumental break is my favorite part...that's lovely. Your drummer is awesome. You guys have your own thing going on. Cheers. - zissou from Cedar Hills, Oregon on 19Feb2007
Skúste si predstaviť zmes pozostávajúcu z hudby legendárneho otca jedného z mladých hercov aktuálnej televíznej reklamy, z hardcorových pasáží štýlovo chameleónskej skupiny s názvom Už žiadna viera, ďalej brnianskeho zoskupenia, ktoré dávalo najavo, že sa ešte stále nezhodli a niekdajšej alternatívnej kapely pomenovanej podľa Leninovej teórie umenia – nebude z toho trma-vrma či nepočúvateľná haravara, ale – ŠRAMOT. Tým otcom je Dežo Ursiny z jeho fusion periódy v 70. rokoch lanského storočia (jeho syn nemôže za to, že si ako väčšina slovenských hercov musí privyrábať v reklamných šotoch), spomínaným chameleónom je nezabudnuteľné Faith No More, brnianskym zoskupením Jestě Jsme Se Nedohodli a posledne menovanou, dávnou alternatívou Teória Odrazu z Čadce. Z tohto mesta pochádza aj ŠRAMOT – podivuhodná skupina, ktorej sa podarilo pretaviť spomínané inšpiračné zdroje do bizarne uleteného, ale napodiv organického celku...
Kapela vznikla niekedy v roku 1999 nedlho po zániku inej hudobne drsnej kysuckej partičky Otras Petra „Varsa“ Varsavika, s ktorým, mimochodom, dodnes príležitostne spolupracuje. Multifunkčný gitarista a textár Laco Végh, organizačná a v nemalej miere i koncepčná duša Šramotu, postupne okolo seba zoskupil ďalších nadšencov: dvoch spevákov, bratov Tomáša a Lukáša Vravníkovcov, basgitaristu Mira Hlaváča, gitaristu Lukáša Slávika a bubeníka Rada Staníka, ktorí sa neuspokojili s „tľapkaním po pleci“ miestnych fanúšikov, ale začali na sebe tvrdšie pracovať. Prvým výsledkom ich snaženia okrem úspešných koncertov je premiérové rovnomenné CD (2000), z ktorého cítiť nielen poučenosť uvedenými vzormi, ale aj humorne uletenú poetiku porovnateľnú s Chiki liki tu-a – napríklad vo Véghových i Vravníkových textoch, v ktorých bez toho aby skĺzavali do rapovej vulgarity si servítku pred ničím a nikým nedávajú...
Popri tvorbe inštrumentálne zložitých, rockovo nekonvenčných piesní spolupracuje Šramot (pre niekoho možno prekvapivo) aj s čadčianskym detským divadelným súborom Eva a následne nahráva druhý, podľa môjho názoru ťažiskový album Fľajsigindmoršpiľ (2004). Nájdete na ňom natoľko rozmanité polohy, že nezasvätenému by sa mohlo občas zdať, že počuje kompiláciu rôznych kapiel. Popri alúziách na ursinyovské dvojhlasy v piesňach Závesy, Slanina alebo Ľahký sáčok v povetrí (inšpirovaný asi filmom Americká krása) tu znejú paródia na „rytmusovský“ hip-hop kombinovaný s ťažkotonážnym heavy metalom Rep (s lokánym raperom Mišom Kubincom), cigánsky odzemok Keľaf, sexuálne kontroverzný punkrock´n´roll Ešte raz, experimentálne slovno-zvukové koláže, ako napr. Ti ti to to to a najmä výborné hybridné polyštýlové skladby Nijako, Šoková terapia versus 3-5 Diterina 2004 alebo 10. track bez názvu “.......“. V nich skupina v rôznych náhlych strihoch kombinuje klenuté, v hlasoch oboch Vravníkovcov prelínajúce sa melódie, ba i vresky a revy nad tvrdými, ironickými black metalovými groovmi, ale aj improvizačné sónické plochy či kingcrimsonovské tkanivá gitár a rytmiky.
Šramot je pôsobivý hlavne na koncertoch aj vďaka spontánne excentrickej „show“ a chirurgicko-pionierskym „kostýmom“ oboch frontmanov. Za posledné roky koncertoval okrem klubov na Slovensku (vrátane festivalov a cyklov akým je Hermovo ucho v Nitre) už aj v Čechách, v Poľsku a navzdory klíme, ktorá je u nás v porovnaní s našimi okolitými susedmi voči takejto hudbe neprajná, pokračujú vo svojom „šramotení“ naďalej. Dokladom toho je jednak ich „na kolene“ vyrobené DVD z koncertu v třineckom Clasic Clube (2006) a hlavne zatiaľ posledné CD Brückenbrač (2006). Skupina sa ňom prezentuje už vyhraneným a vyzretým prejavom, ktorým nadväzuje na to najlepšie, čo vo svojom arzenáli mala a má – stačí si vypočuť úvodnú pieseň Nezaspím alebo vyšinuto hravé Ako sa v mori treli tretie trenky či finálny Tuš, po ktorej mám najradšej.
Škoda, že u nás neexistuje label špecializujúci sa aj na experimentálne nekonformný rock. Bez váhania by som mu toto provokujúce sexteto, akých u nás len tak nenájdete, odporučil... Ako svojho času povedal nestor českej alternatívy Mikoláš Chadima (Extempore, MCH Band), milionárska daň by takému vydavateľstvu síce nehrozila, ale aspoň by sa o ňom šírilo, že vydáva kvalitnú muziku. Prajem tejto (post)alternatívnej úderke nielen takého osvieteného vydavateľa ale aj skúseného manažéra a zasväteného hudobného producenta, ktorého absencia je miestami predsa len citeľná. To však predpokladá, že ŠRAMOT – ak si nechce pošramotiť povesť (podobne ako toľko iných nádejných skupín) – nezastane na polceste a bude šramotiť ešte viac ako doteraz.
Julo Fujak (:HUDBA 1/2007)
ŠRAMOT: Šramot (2000)
ŠRAMOT: Fľajsigindmoršpiľ (2004)
ŠRAMOT: Třinec (2006; DVD v limitovanom náklade)
ŠRAMOT: Brückenbrač (2006)