Sundial - Videa |

Sundial rock / Chomutov

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Who doesn´t like a buzz
    Get behind the door, return when normal
  • You have to learn a lot
    Get behind the door, return when normal
  • Weekend voyage
    Get behind the door, return when normal
  • Morning mist
    Get behind the door, return when normal
  • Dreaming
    Get behind the door, return when normal

(Záznam z prvního koncertu kapely 2015) Weekend Voyage / Who doe

Živé vystoupení Vznik: 14.3.2015
Dvě písničky z koncertu U Helmuta v Orasíně. Naneštěstí u konce praskly ne jedna, ale dvě struny.
Unfortunately I broke 2 strings at 8:50. At least i had a backup guitar haha.