Thanathron - O kapele |

Thanathron black-death / Zabrze

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  • I'm Your Savior (Thanathron CD - Bestial Invasion Records)

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Line up (2011):

Vulgar - strings & scream

Unholy Destroyer - battery

Infernal Blasphemer - bass

Seth - strings

Bio a historie

Thanathron was summoned into existence in May 2003. The idea was very simple, to play primitive and filthy Black Metal. The band started with some originals covering also Mayhem and Impaled Nazarene. In April 2004 Thanathron is performing their first gig which was followed by a regular mysteries full of darkness and chaos.

2004 - „Hell Is Here” demo. 2005 - „Hiarra” demo. In 2006 „Hiarra” demo together with “Promo 2006” were released on Kerzakraum Records as a split CD shared with Empheris entitled “The Rituals of Possession in Blasphemy”. 2006 – “Nosferatu” demo which is fully inspired by W. Herzog “Phantom Der Nacht”. 2007 – “Voice of Inferno” split tape with Beleth on H.I.H.Records

The year 2009 brings “Hiarra” tape re-edition by Moon Records containing tracks from the early years of the band as a bonus
Constant line-up changes make the writing process difficult. In the last day of 2009 the recording session of “Th: Horde” is finished. This material shows more mature side of the band. Raw sound and military atmosphere emphasise vision of war.

In September 2010 Bestial Invasion Records  release Thanathron “Thanathron” CD which will consist of “TH: Horde” and “Nosferatu” EP as a bonus. Moon Rec release “TH: Horde” on a tape.