THE FIALKY - Přátelé (videoklip 2017)
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 21.6.2017
77punkrock band from Prague Czech rep., since 2000!
Původní píseň z alba "Šance" (2008). Reedice 2015 "15 LET CO KROK TO PUNKROCK!"
Autor klipu: Robert Harvánek
Hudba a text: Kečup
Přátelé (Friends)
Your friend had left you there alone
When they came to fight in superiority
When there were no chances for victory
He´s standing with the enemies
while you thought he’s a friend
The punches are being delivered
Friends shouldn’t leave each other
No forgiveness for the bastards
Every dirty trick will turn back against you 3 times worse
you can’t take back your mistakes
You’re standing on another side
Rage and anger are the weapons
That’s predicting nothing good
There was no way back
how to lose everything quickly
You’ll find out in a moment