The Oast - Novinky |

The Oast alternative-post rock / Hořice

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Worriment
  • Disne(h)y Song
  • Feels over the colour
  • Often Persists (Živě - Hořický Advent - 30. 11. 2013)
  • Kopu Dál / I Stole a Car (Živě - Oast Silvestr 2013)
  • We Both Are (Živě - 27. 11. 2013)
  • Contact
  • Nobody Better
  • Going Astray
  • Cutted4NR

Disne(h)y Song

Další písnička, pro kterou navíc chystáme i klip :)........

3 roky na BZ

Protože už tu jsme tři roky, rozhodli jsme se to oslavit novou písničkou v trochu jiném stylu než je u nás obvyklý. Poslechněte si ji a napište nám co si myslíte, děkujeme :)! Pomalu, ale jistě také pokračujeme v práci na podkladech pro album - snad se ho jednou všichni dočkáme :D

Tak se mějte fanfárově a užívejte si zbývající měsíc prázdnin! :D

Text k Feels over the colour:

Who plays chess
Doesn't back down
And knows that king or pawn
Anybody, anything
Inside the same box
Same package, same cover
From the same factory
Filled with same power

It doesn't really matters which colour
I guess it depends on its feels
Take me to the place where this is real
Or make this fucking world rest in peace

Remember when you were kid
What race means to you - nothing
Everybody and everyone
Lives on th same ground
Same planet, same space
Warmed by the same sun
And breath same air

It doesn't really matters which colour
I guess it depends on its feels
Take me to the place where this is real
Or make this fucking world rest in peace

It doesn't really matters which colour
I guess it depends on its feels
Take me to the place where this is real
Or make this fucking world rest in...

It doesn't really matters which colour
I guess it depends on its feels
Take me to the place where this is real
Or make this fucking world rest in peace