The Royals - O kapele |

The Royals rock'n'roll-pop / Prague

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Rainbow Prison
  • No Man`s Land
  • True Dreamer
  • Don´t Be So Serious
  • Wendy

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

Trying to breathe some fresh air into the czech scene.

Adam Snellgrove                            vocals, bass guitar

Jan Czech                                        lead guitar

Jan Čermák                                     rhythm guitar

Jan "Bambus" Brakenhoff            drums

Bio a historie

First there was Czech. Johnny Czech. Raised on the streets of Prague, he made music. That's what he did, and that's all he could do on this harsh world, and he did it well. But this music needed lyrics. And so one day he met the Englishman. Adam Snellgrove. He had a gifted vocabulary, and he could put words together, so they didn't sound completely stupid.

They made the perfect team. The musician and the lyricist (that kept on annoying everyone with his harmonica). And so The Royals were born in the dangerous streets, that are Prague.

Later on they realised, that they could use more Johnnys. And that's when the rest of the Johns made their appearance. Bambus and Čermi.

Armed with the best of the best, they go onto the world to make music.