DEMO VID / SONG - Tommy Trump - Vancouver
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 13.1.2015
Demo-promo video "jdi spolu s Tommym" pro demo song "Vancouver" od českého punkového zpěváka Tommyho TrumpaVideo vzniklo v Praze a bylo natočeno Kurtem Dioxine a stříháno-postprodukováno Tommy Trumpem.
Hrají: At, Radka Hellpunk a Tommy Trump
Tenhle demáč byl natočen v DIV I DED SOUND Filipem Helštýnem v roce 2014
Všechny nástroje nahrál a všechny zpěvy nazpíval Tommy Trump
Sometimes, even a rainy day
I've gotta feelin', we're walkin' right way
Sometimes, even in sleepless nights
I gotta feelin', we're pretty right
Sometimes when everything is right
I gotta feelin' that I'm a deaf mute and blind
And sometimes when everything is grey
I gotta feelin' the biggest pleasure is hidden in the pain
I wanna love you in summer by beautiful lake under waterfall
I wanna feel you just like part of my being in gardens of Valinor
And Jana is shinin' in my eyes in midnight moonlight like a star
Let's stay together forever and never be torn apart anymore
Open gate to the land of rain
This is Vancouver, baby. so take your chance
Play the game, chase through space
Never say your name
Never show your face anymore