Travis O´Neill and His cardinal Sins - O kapele |

Travis O´Neill and His cardinal Sins country-folk / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • "Heart Shaped hooks" 2016- Nail in my coffin
  • "Heart Shaped hooks" 2016- ready for the boatman
  • Maggies bones
  • Live like a dead man
  • the ghost of sligo

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Dodatečné info

Travis O’Neill-vocals/guitar/banjo

Ondřej BlackPes- Banjo/Mandolin/Guitar

Eliska Dvorska-Violin

Tomáš Hricišák- slide guitar/acoustic

Zelo- bass

Marek Zezulka- Drums/percussion










Travis O’Neill is a singer/songwriter from County Sligo, Ireland. Travis has taken his craft and storytelling from the farm in Ireland to the world stage from playing in front of 100.000 people to playing solo acoustically to anyone who is willing listen to his songs

The passion for songs, songwriting and music has taken him around the world and back again. The “Cardinal sins” band was formed after the demise of Prague based rock and rollers the “5 Foot Assassins” .

This newly formed band has played everywhere from backyard sales, markets, theatres to venues and festivals all over Europe. Influenced by Hank williams, Johnny Cash, Buddy Holly, Dylan, 16 Horsepower and Outlaw country


Now with the advent of the release of the 1st full band album, Travis O’Neill and his cardinal sins will be touring in support of this collection of acoustic, country tinged songs.



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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Bio a historie

Travis O'Neill is a country/southern rock singer and songwriter from county Sligo in Ireland, currently living in Prague, CZ.

Travis first discovered country music via his parents’ record collection, listening to Johnny Cash at San Quentin and Flatt And Scruggs Foggy Mountain Breakdown albums, these two being his early influences. However Travis then decided to pursue his other musical passion - metal - and has been singing in rock bands since he was sixteen years old.

Travis is still active singing with Prague based crossover - metal band Fire In The Hall

Travis has now formed a new rock and roll band, based on country, 50's rock and roll and large amounts of whiskey...