Hudba kapely Underdose, fanúšikmi definovaná aj ako "progresívny, melodický, depresívny, veselý, tvrdý grunge", "technický metal" či "spojenie Alice in Chains a TooL", je symbiózou relatívne rôznorodého hudobného cítenia jej
štyroch členov a výsledkom cca 5-ročného dozrievania v špine zafajčených klubov. Svojou hudbou sa snažíme neprispievať k trendu hudobného biznisu, svoju hudbu neberieme ako obchodný artikel ako je tomu pri mnohých
populárnych pseudo-kapelách ale ako prostriedok sebarealizácie a vyjadrovania bez akejkoľvek vidiny či úmyslu hľadania komerčného úspechu. Náš prístup bol koncom roka 2012 zhmotnený v split-LP 'Dose of Mud' v spolupráci s kapelou Mudhole a ocenený
nomináciou na 'Nováčika roka 2012' cien Radio_Head Awards Rádia_FM.
The music of Underdose, defined by fans as ‘progressive, melodic, moody, happy, hard grunge’, ‘technical, not-so-straightforward rock’ or ‘a combination of Alice in Chains & Tool’, is in itself the symbiotic
convergence of relatively diverse musical preferences of its four members and a result of more than 5-year-long ripening in the dirt of beer-and-tobacco scented, dimly lit pubs.
With our music, we try NOT to contribute to current music business trends; we do NOT consider our music as a business article, as it is with most popular self-obsessed pseudo-bands; we perceive our music as a means of self-realization and
self-expression without blindly following deceiving hopes or visions of commercial success. [Note to foreigners: It is nearly impossible to attract even mediocre publicity if you do not willingly submit to the music-mafia controlled radio-music schemes
and become yet another sheep in the herd.] And that is why we sincerely appreciate all the support and all the fans who have tagged along over the years.
In 2012, our approach was materialized in a self-produced split-LP ‘Dose of Mud’ in collaboration with the band Mudhole and our effort was rewarded with the ‘Newcomer of the year 2012’ prize nomination by Radio_FM’s Radio_Head Awards.