VANGUARD - Iron Sky (Official Video)
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 15.5.2016
*--Melodic death metal band from Brno, Czech Republic--*CHECK US ON:
BUY OUR STUFF : http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/vanguard4
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Above isles flies the eagle,
black ,strong ,the great deceiver
brings the fear, destruction, pain
behold , the terrors reign.
His eyes are, upon a land,
which he urges, to command.
Fierce eyes, sharpened claws,
he's willing to, make bloody scars.
But from the skies above the isles,
with lions pride arise bold ally!
Arise !
Fly for-glory.
For vic-tory.
Fear not - let your,
le-ga-cy e-ter-na-lize !
Per ardua ad astra!
Stand and fight kill midnight,
tear down the Iron Sky,
to prove the griffon's might!
Wind is combed ,by the wings,
the major battle - now begins,
many allies, from many lands
to bring down evil, give their hands!
Like one they fly, against their foe,
no mercy nor fear - there is - to show !
Squadrons-gathered-heading eyes to eyes,
in their-hands now-hope of nations lies,
last one - thought is - flowing in their minds,
coming - battle - the history writes !
Last one, foe ends, in blue,
depths of sea...
Last one, spirit, wasted,
is now free...
Forever, their spirits, will echo beneath the stars.... !
.---------------------------------THANKS TO-------------------------------------- --,
Video produced by: Zdeněk Strmiska http://www.zdenekstrmiska.cz/
Recorded in SONIDOS studio Brno, by Zdeněk Ondráček http://www.sonidos.cz/
Drone video by : Pavel Hrazdíra
*--------------------------------------- --2016---------------------------------- ------*