Warteraum - O kapele | Bandzone.cz

Warteraum electronica-pop / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Align (Remix)

Členové skupiny

Nástrojové obsazení: Zpěv, Syntezátor / Sampler

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Dodatečné info

Bio a historie

Two is a company, three is a crowd, one is an army. ✖️

Starting out in Salzburg (AT) as an experimental side-project of M. N. Sramkova in late 2015, WARTERAUM noticed first little, local successes in early 2016 with the never officially released single "Align" and its music video. At this time, as it usually goes, WARTERAUM was one big, anxious mess with no direction and it took three years to change it. 

After being in several Metal bands as either vocalist or bassist throughout the years, the WARTERAUM front-woman, main producer and “creative director” figured out that being a team-player isn’t a thing for her. And this is where the story of WARTERAUM began. 

M. N. Sramkova makes Synthpop with a hint of melancholy inherited from her Czech roots and doesn't rub it under anyone's nose. A one-woman-show inspired by nordic summer nights, cigarettes and brutalist architecture.

“The Ostblock EP" was released on SoundCloud as a let’s-see-how-it-works demo featuring four covers of WARTERAUM's favorite non-English songs as a fun taste of what's next to come from the project based in Tyrol.

The rumor has it that the debut EP of WARTERAUM will bear the name "Letters To The Men I Adored" and will feature a song called "Winston"...