The modern history of the band goes back to late 2013 when guitarist and singer were replaced. Jozef Daras (ex-Xibalba) joined the band as a guitarist and Bohus Michalko (ex-Stone Cold Bitch, ex-Eternity) stood before the microphone. Thus the music got new drive, the classic thrash was enriched with hardcore and even metalcore. New songs were recorded and new EP album „Right now“ was released in March 2014. In June 2014, Jaro Zajac was replaced with Miro Szeman (ex-Xibalba, ex-The Weed). The band active giving concerts in clubs and on festivals at home and abroad. In 2015 the band prepared a debut album "Slave to the System" which released by Sliptrick Records in november 2015.At the end of the year 2015 left the band Jozef Daras.In March 2018, Ferry Sarkozi was replaced with Viktor Simon. We've already supported such bands as Sepultura, Decapitated, E-Force, S.D.I., Sadist, Obscure Sphinx, JINJER, etc...
Miro Szeman – drums
Roman Madej – guitar
Viktor Simon– bass
Bohuš Michalko – vocals
Novodobá história kapely sa začala písať koncom roku 2013, po personálnych zmenách na poste gitaristu a speváka. Gitary sa ujíma Jozef Daraš (ex-Xibalba), za mikrofón nastupuje Bohuš Michalko (ex- Stone Cold Bitch, ex-Eternity). Hudba tak dostáva nový šat, ku klasickým thrashovym prvkom pribúda štipka hardcore či metalcore. Vznikajú nové skladby a v marci 2014 nahráva skupina EP „Right now“. V júni 2014 strieda Jara Zajaca a na poste bubeníka Miro Szeman (ex-Xibalba, ex-The Weed). Kapela aktívne koncertuje ma na svojom konte množstvo koncertov v kluboch a festivaloch doma aj v zahraničí. V oktobri 2015 vychdza debutovy album "Slave To The System" u vydavatelstva Sliptrick Records. Koncom roka 2015 opusta kapelu gitarista Jozef Daras.V marci 2018 nastava zmena na poste bassgitaristu Feryho Sarkoziho nahradza Viktor Simon. Za svoje posobenie sme zdielali podia s kapelami ako napr. Sepultura, Decapitated, S.D.I., Sadist, Jinjer a atd.
Miro Szeman – drums
Roman Madej – guitar
Viktor Simon – bass
Bohuš Michalko – vocals